Saturday 27 June 2020

Amazing Facial Exercises to Reduce Fat from Face!!

 A well-rounded physical fitness routine is a key component to living a healthy lifestyle. But we typically neglect to work out the very muscles people see the most — our faces. Just like the rest of your body, more than 57 muscles in your face and neck require exercise to stay toned and fit. These simple facial exercises can help you strengthen facial muscles, get a slim face and even combat signs of aging.


Our faces have approximately 52 muscles and these are no different from those in the rest of our bodies. Facial muscles too become weak and flabby if you don’t exercise them.


Here are some facial exercises you need for a slimmer and wrinkle free younger face.


The Brow-Raiser

Perform this facial exercise regularly to keep your brows up where they belong:

·         Put your index and middle fingers together in a closed peace sign

·         Rest your fingernails over your brows and gently push the skin down

·         Lift your brows up and down, while creating resistance with the weight of your fingernails

·         Repeat 10 times

 Complete 6 sets

The Cheekbone Lift

Facial exercise can help you get a little closer. Trade in flabby, fat cheeks for defined cheekbones by following these steps:

·         Place your fingers over each cheekbone

·         Gently lift the skin until taut

·         Open your mouth to form an elongated “O”; you should feel resistance in your cheek muscles

·         Hold for 5 seconds

·         Complete 10-15 sets


The Jaw Flex

A double chin can make you look heavier and older than you really are. Trim face fat and get a more defined look with this face workout:

·         Tilt your head back until you are looking at the ceiling

·         Move your lower lip over your upper lip as far as you can; you should feel this in the jaw muscles near your ears

·         Hold for 10 seconds

·         Complete 10-15 sets


The Puffer Press

This facial exercise will help reduce the very un-funny appearance of laugh lines around your mouth. Here’s how:

·         Close your mouth and puff up your cheeks

·         Move the air from one cheek to the other

·         Repeat for 30 seconds


Fish Face Exercise

Fish Face exercise tones the cheek muscles giving you toned cheeks. Here’s how:

·         Suck in your cheeks and lips.

·         Stay in this posture for 5-8 seconds

·         Hold on and then repeat

·         Repeat for 10 times


Incorporate facial workouts in your daily pattern to see effective results. For a personalized diet plan book your appointment with us. Mail us at

Friday 19 June 2020

Tips to Reduce Belly Fat!!

Losing abdominal fat or belly fat is a common weight loss goal. Abdominal fat is strongly associated with type 2 diabetes & heart diseases. You can measure your abdominal fat by measuring the circumference around your waist with a tape measure. Measures of above 40 inches (102 cm) in men and 35 inches (88 cm) in women are known as abdominal obesity.

Here are tips to reduce your belly fat

ü  Eat more Protein: Consume good quality of protein everyday helps in reducing your belly fat.

ü  Have small meals: Eating small meals help in weight loss.

ü  Eat more fiber: Viscous Fiber is soluble fibers that help in weight loss by keeping the stomach full for long time. Try to include plenty of high fiber foods in your weight loss diet.

ü  Reduce Carbs intake: Reducing consumption of simple carbs can help weight loss as well as reducing tummy fat.

ü  Don’t have any Added Sugar: Aerated beverages, as well as many packaged foods contain added sugar which contributes to your tummy fat

ü  Go for Aerobic Exercises: You can follow aerobic exercises that not only cut down belly fat but also help in building body stamina & boost body’s energy levels.

ü  Take 8 hrs of Beauty Sleep: Studies have shown that fat accumulates around the waistline due to sleep irregularities.

ü  Don’t drink too much Alcohol: Excessive alcohol intake has been associated with increased belly fat. If you need to reduce your waistline, consider drinking alcohol in moderation.

For a personalised diet plan book your appointment with us. Mail us at

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Foods for Healthy Hair!!

Diet plays an important role in keeping your hair healthy. The foods you eat have an impact on the growth, strength and volume of your hair. Many people want strong and healthy hair, especially as they grow older. Interestingly, your hair grows around 0.5 inches (1.25 cm) per month, and 6 inches (15 cm) per year. How fast it grows depends on factors like age, health, genetics and diet.


Although you can’t change factors like age and genetics but diet is one thing you have to control over. In fact consuming a diet lacking the right nutrients can lead to hair loss. Hair grows from the roots, so the key to healthy hair growth lies in improving the health of the scalp and hair follicles. On the other hand, eating a balanced diet with the right nutrients can help to promote hair growth, especially if you are experiencing hair loss due to poor nutrition.


Which nutrients are in foods for hair growth?

There are multiple nutrients that encourage hair growth:

·         Biotin: B - complex vitamin which may help hair grow and strengthen

·         Vitamin D: It can help to stimulate your hair follicles that have become dormant

·         Vitamin E: It's potent antioxidant activity helps to reduce oxidative stress in the scalp, which is known to be associated with alopecia

·         Iron: Iron deficiency has been linked to hair loss

·         Vitamin C: It makes it easier for your body to absorb iron

·         Omega-3 fatty acids: Anti-inflammatory effects can counteract any inflammation that's causing hair shedding


Ø  Here are the best foods you can eat to promote hair growth:


1.      Eggs: Eggs are a great source of protein and biotin, two nutrients that may promote hair growth. Biotin is essential for the production of a hair protein called keratin and protein is the building block of hair. A deficiency in either of these nutrients has been linked to hair loss.

2.      Berries: Berries are loaded with beneficial compounds and vitamins that may promote hair growth. This includes vitamin C, which has strong antioxidant properties. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which aids collagen production and iron absorption, two factors that may promote hair growth.


3.      Fatty Fish: Fatty fish like salmon, herring and mackerel have nutrients that may promote hair growth. They are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to hair growth. Fatty fish is also a great source of protein, selenium, vitamin D3 and B vitamins, nutrients that may help promote strong and healthy hair.

 4.      Spinach: Spinach is a healthy green vegetable that is loaded with beneficial nutrients like folate, iron, and vitamins A and C, all of which may promote hair growth. A deficiency in these nutrients may result in hair loss.

5.      Avocados: Avocados are delicious, nutritious and a great source of healthy fats, which appear to be crucial for hair growth. They are also an excellent source of vitamin E, which may promote hair growth.

6.      Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are a great source of beta-carotene. The body converts this compound into vitamin A, which is linked to good hair health which helps aid sebum production. Additionally, it has other factors that may help speed up the rate of hair growth.

7.      Bell Peppers: Sweet peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C, which may aid hair growth. Sweet peppers are a rich source of vitamins A. These two nutrients that help ensure hair stays healthy and that may aid hair growth.

8.      Nuts & Oil-seeds: Nuts are tasty, convenient and contain a variety of nutrients that may promote hair growth. Nuts are packed with nutrients like vitamin E, B vitamins, zinc and essential fatty acids, all of which may promote hair growth and are linked to many other health benefits. You can include flax seed, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seed, and chia seeds.

9.      Soya bean: Studies have shown that compounds in soybeans may promote hair growth. One of these compounds is spermidine, which is abundant in soybeans. A lack of the right nutrients including vitamins A, C, D and E, zinc, B vitamins, iron, biotin, protein and essential fatty acids may slow down hair growth or even cause hair loss.



You can massage your hair with good essential oils like lavender oil, peppermint oil, rosemary oil, castor oil, lemongrass oil, thyme oil, coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil etc


Fortunately, correcting a deficiency in any of these nutrients may help to treat hair loss and promote the rate of hair growth. If you think you are lacking any of these nutrients, try adding some of the above foods to your diet.


For a personalised diet plan book your appointment with us. Mail us at

Sunday 7 June 2020

Benefits of Ice Apple (Tadgola)

Ice apple (palm fruit) is a seasonal fruit of the sugar palm tree and is widely available during the sizzling summer. The fleshy fruit loaded with translucent, juicy fluid has excellent cooling properties. Ice apple is very similar to litchi fruit in texture and tastes like a slightly sweet tender coconut. It provides the perfect blend of minerals and sugars for the body during the summer season.

Ice Apple Nutrition

Ice apple is a low-calorie fruit providing 43 calories per 100 grams, 11 grams of carbohydrates and rich in calcium and phytonutrients. It also contains a minimal amount of fibre, protein, vitamin C, A, E, K, B7 and iron which confers you with a host of healing health benefits.

Some Benefits of Ice Apple

  • Weight Loss: A low-calorie watery fruit ice apple is an ideal deal to lose weight. The presence of water keeps you satiated for a long time and help in losing the weight naturally.
  • Chickenpox: Ice apple plays wonder if you are having chickenpox. Those who are down with chickenpox needs to add this fruit to their diet.
  • Boils & Prickly Heat: Skin problems such as heat rashes and prickly heat are very common in summer. Applying the flesh of ice apple on the affected areas relieves the itchiness and provides a soothing effect. It helps to cool the body & removes the prickly pimples.
  • Hydration: Ice apple acts as an excellent coolant and naturally cools the body in the summer and regulates the body temperature. It quenches the thirst and provides energy to stay active throughout the day.
  • Boost Energy: Ice apple keeps the glucose levels up & provides the right balance of minerals & nutrients to the body. Ice apple is packed with good amount of minerals sodium and potassium which helps in maintaining the fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. This property of ice apple works best in preventing dehydration and fatigue in summer.
  • During Pregnancy: The only reason pregnant women should consume ice apple is because it improves digestion and helps with constipation and acidity problems which is a common occurrences during pregnancy.
  • Breast Cancer: The presence of several phytochemicals in ice apple possesses strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial in slowing down the process of ageing and reducing the risk of health problems such as heart disease and breast cancer.
  • Stomach Ailments: It is a natural remedy for several stomach ailments and digestive issues; ice apple helps in relieving constipation and promotes bowel movements. It also relieves acidity and stomach ulcers. Ice apple eases minor stomach ailments and nausea that often occur during pregnancy.
  • Liver Problems: Ice apple is loaded with potassium and helps in cleansing the toxins out of the body and promotes the liver health.

Caution: Over ripe ice apples may cause stomach aches. The fruit is highly perishable and should be consumed within a day.

For a personalised diet plan book your appointment with us. Mail us at