Thursday 21 May 2020

Calcium Rich Foods for Your Children

As a Paediatric Nutritionist, I know parents like you know how important calcium is to kid’s health. You want healthy kids and you want to make sure your children are getting enough. To build strong bones that last a lifetime, children and teens need lots of calcium. About 99% of the calcium in the body is found in bones and teeth. The rest is found in blood where it performs important tasks such as controlling heart rhythm, muscle contractions, making hormones that contribute to energy production.

Why Calcium Rich Foods Are Important For Kids?

For growing children and teens, getting enough calcium is crucial to building bone mass, which may help guard against osteoporosis and fractures later in life. It is very important for a mother to be careful about her kid’s diet as the right amount of nutrition in the growing years ensures good health and fitness later in life.

If your child’s daily diet is low in calcium, then bones give up their calcium to keep your blood levels normal. If this happens day after day, bones can become brittle and can be broken easily. Throughout childhood, bones get stronger & longer.

How Much Calcium Do Kids Need?                                           

According to RDA, Children’s between 1 – 9 years 600 mg / day calcium is needed. Age 10 – 17 years will need 800mg / day calcium.

How to Add Calcium in Your Child’s Diet?                                      

Here are some tips on how to add calcium in your child’s diet.

Ø  Include Milk & Milk Products: Get your child into the habit of eating paneer, cheese, milk, buttermilk and curd in their diet. Daily include at least milk & curd in their diet. Curd has immunity boosting properties and it’s easily digestible. Include fruit milkshake if he/she is fusing over drinking plain milk. Include Turmeric in milk for boosting immunity. Include cheese for breakfast. Cheese slices on whole grain or whole wheat khakra serves as a tasty snack/breakfast food.

Ø  Include Soy foods: Soya bean is a rich source of protein and calcium. You can give soya biscuits, soya cutlets in their tiffin box as snack. Along with that you can give yogurt or cheese slices.

Ø    Include Pulses & Sprouts as snacks: Green moong sprouts mixed with chopped green salad and dressed with grated cheese & curd can be eaten as a snack when the children come back from school. You can give green moong dosa or chilla for breakfast in the form of franky. Most whole pulses are rich in calcium. You can cook rajma, kabuli chana, black chana and chowli with finely chopped onions, tomatoes, cucumber & carrot. Serve it with rice or chapatti. You can make mix sprouts bhel for snack as well.

Ø  Include Green Vegetables: Green leafy vegetables like methi, spinach, shepu, broccoli and radish leaves are rich in calcium. Children would enjoy a spinach soup made in milk along with a grilled cheese sandwich made from whole wheat bread.

Ø  Include Nuts & oilseeds: Almonds and sesame seeds are rich in calcium. Children could enjoy a rice kheer made with milk, almonds, sesame seeds and jaggery instead of sugar. Walnuts, figs, dates and apricots also make healthy snack foods for children.

Choosing a variety of foods will improve your child’s appetite. For a personalised diet plan for your child book your appointment with us. Mail us at

Friday 15 May 2020

Dry fruits a powerhouse of energy and micro-nutrients

To lead a healthy lifestyle, eating meals during regular intervals is very important. Regular eating comes with three main meals and two small meals. When we say small meals, it is usually a mid-morning snack, a mid-noon snack and an evening snack. When mid-morning snack should be eaten two hours post breakfast, mid-noon and evening snacks should be eaten two hours post-lunch and dinner respectively. And it is worth mentioning that dry fruits and nuts are a great option for mid-meal snacking. 


So, what are Dry fruits?

Dry fruits are fruits without water. The water portion from the fruit can be removed by sun drying process or by using dehydrators or dryers. After the procedure, the fruit shrinks and get smaller. Dry fruits are popular for their nutritional value and sweet taste and long shelf life. Post dehydration, the dried fruits become a powerhouse of energy and several nutrients.


Some of the dried fruits and nuts are










These dry fruits and nuts are packed with several micro-nutrients, fatty acids and essential amino acids.


Why we should Take dry fruits Daily:-

·         It boosts up energy. It keeps you active and energetic

·         They are Natural Laxative and contain a huge amount of fiber.

·         It is light on the stomach

·         Consuming dry fruits can prevent premature aging and improve skin health. The antioxidants in dry fruits stop free radicals and ensure glowing skin.

·         Keeps extreme hunger at bay

·         Improves metabolism

·         Controls blood sugar levels

·         Dry fruits are tasted enhancer and yummy. So it's excellent to garnish the food.

·         Aids in Weight loss

·         Eating just handful a day will keep you satiated.


Benefits of eating dried fruits

Ø  Good for Healthy Heart: Nuts are a great source of omega 3 fatty acids. They are loaded with healthy fats that to help maintain the balance of good cholesterol in the body. Dry fruits and nuts are also a rich source of potassium, magnesium and calcium that help in the management of blood pressure. Studies have revealed that nuts are beneficial in reducing the risks of cardiovascular diseases, strokes, dyslipidaemia, etc.


Ø  Immunity Booster: Dry fruits and nuts are loaded with antioxidants, potassium, iron, folate, magnesium; it provides the body immunity to fight against diseases.


Ø  Manages Weight: Regular consumption of nuts has help individuals manage their weight better. When nuts and dried fruits are taken in moderation, they are known to provide satiety and maintain energy levels in the body. It works best as a mid-meal snack or can be crushed over foods like muesli, porridge, etc to make the meal more filling.


Ø  Healthy Gut: Presence of soluble fiber in dried fruits acts as a probiotic to the micro flora present in the gut, thus improving digestion. The ratio of good bacteria to bad bacteria should be 85:15. Any imbalance in this ratio can cause gut issues like bloating, acidity, flatulence, constipation, etc and also result in weight gain. Dry fruits like raisins, figs, prunes etc are rich in fiber content that helps in maintaining healthy bowels and relieving constipation.


Ø  Build Stamina & Energy: We have already seen that dry fruits and nuts are a powerhouse of energy. Dried fruits like raisins, prunes, dates are rich in iron, B-complex, vitamins, copper, etc that help you to maintain an optimal level of hemoglobin. This can be very helpful for individuals suffering from anemia. Nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashews help to build stamina; hence it becomes one of the best pre-workout meals.


Ø  Brain Health:  Dried fruits and nuts have shown to improve memory. They are rich in Omega 3 fatty acid that helps in fighting anxiety disorders and depression. Few nuts like pistachios have the presence of melatonin which helps in regulating sleep disturbances.

Ø Skin scrubbing: We often hear about face packs or scrubs like apricot scrubs, walnut scrubs, almond scrubs, etc. If the application of such scrubs and packs can help your skin look younger and radiant, then imagine what it can do to your body when you include in your diet. Nuts like almonds help in the removal of dead skin cells whereas walnuts are known to prevent dry skin.

Ø  Bone Health: Nuts are rich in calcium, phosphorus, etc which help in maintaining bone mineral density. This helps in the prevention of bone loss. 


The best nuts are mixed nuts which are lightly roasted and unsalted. Dried fruits and nuts can be included in a variety of recipes to enhance the taste and add crunchiness. Instead of consuming almond on its own, you could combine them with your meals as this would help to lower the glycemic index of the accompanying food. Add sliced or chopped almonds to salads, pasta or vegetable gravy. About 4 - 5 pieces of walnuts is the recommended quantity that can be consumed on a daily basis. Grind them and mix it with chapatti dough or use it in thicken soups, gravies, sauces, and stew.


Note: If you have a nut allergy or any sensitivity towards dried fruits and nuts, then please avoid consumption to prevent allergic reactions like rashes, stomach cramps, etc.


So, friends, there is no reason to think twice to include dry fruits in your daily diet.

Thursday 14 May 2020

Ways to Treat Your Irregular Periods!!

Practice Yoga: Do Yoga for 35 – 40 minutes a day. It may help to regulate hormones & menstruation cycles. Normalize blood flow & reduce premenstrual symptoms.

Maintain Healthy Weight: Being underweight or overweight can cause Irregular Periods.

Acupressure: Vital points of our body that will force the menstrual cycle to run properly.

Eat fruits like Pomegranate & Pineapple: Pomegranate prevents the deficiency in blood flow & unbearable cramp during the period. Pineapple will promote the menstrual cycle & get effective relief from cramps.

Include Spices:
ü Ginger Tea: Normalize the menstrual & prevent any delay in your menstruation.
ü Fennel Seeds: Antispasmodic properties, reduce cramps
ü Cinnamon: It regulate menstrual cycle & reduce menstrual bleeding & pain. It may also help to treat PCOS.
ü Fenugreek Seeds: Balance the hormones level in a women & boost the periodical cycle.

Eat Dates: Highly beneficial mineral foods found in dates which prevent irregular cycles.

Include Castrol Oil: It helps to remove toxins & wastes from our body naturally.

Drink Apple Cider Vinegar: Drinking 1/8 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar a day may help to regulate menstruation in women with PCOS.